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About Disco Entertainment

Disco Entertainment 

Hello everyone, my name is Henry, I started Disco Entertainment back in 2019 to help kick start and promote my game "Tiny Tank: Dawn of Steel". After seeing some amazing feedback from players. I decided to start up Disco Entertainment as a part-time small business focused on bring new and existing ideas to people's phones in the form of games!


As for now Disco Entertainment has a couple of games for players to test out for FREE! Please feel free to check out all our medias and join the community to see all upcoming projects.



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Disclaimer Tiny Tank: Dawn of Steel is a student project.
ABOUT TINY TANK: Dawn of Steel
The era of Tiny Tank begins! Tiny Tank is a Classic Hero Shooter, in this game you only have one objective and that is to… SURVIVE! Hold out and battle the hordes of enemies with each wave being harder than the last.

All locations are inspired by Locations throughout history with no exact timeline. Some maps are extremely out there and fantasised. All maps are made around short to medium engagement with some being more difficult than others.

•Survival is all about surviving 15 waves with each wave being harder than the last, every 5 waves a boss will test his luck with you so be prepared.
•Horde is all about surviving a certain time limit with endless amounts of tanks coming at you.
•Bonus/seasonal maps have their own additional enemies and gameplay objectives.


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This Is the end for Germany and her Axis allies the USSR are pushing their way into the heart of Germany. In this alternate timeline, German Scientist found a way to make a doorway into a different reality. By doing so managed to bring dinosaurs into our world. Being Germany's last hope to push the Red Army out of Reich the scientist unleashes the dinosaurs upon the world. After being shot down over the Atlantic Ocean. You awake on an uncharted island home to dinosaurs, Explore and Fight to Survive.

Game Play
DOTDS is all about Survival. Surviving on an island with each passing day getting harder with new dinosaurs spawning being introduced. Exploring the island will reward you with more powerful weapons, survive as long as possible.


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Hazard Hill Idle is a small city builder, Buy, Sell and Expand to maintain your population from natural disasters that can strike at any time.

You are a new and upcome mare of a small town, you have been tasked on building a new city in a block of land between huge highways. After being sold this block of land you find out it is a very hot zone for extreme weather disasters. With the small amount of money, you have left you decide to stay and make the best of it. Grow and expand your city to new hights as you battle the extreme weather and other challenges that owning a city comes your way.

Game Play
Play God and treat your population the way you want, move your buildings around the map as you build your ideal world. As more and more people enter your city the more buildings you will have to build. Keep your population happy by building shops and airports, keep your city safe with a standing army and a base to help repair and keep people safe when the disasters hit.

Buildings play a big role in Hazard Hill Idle as they are your main source of population and money. As you progress through the game you will be able to build more buildings.

Disasters can strike at any time, and it will damage your building, in some cases, kill or scare off some of your population.

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